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WEP- One Day Gender Training

The one-day gender training was conducted on 17th October 2023 at KROSS, Bangalore with the aim of raising awareness and promoting understanding on gender related issues, fostering inclusivity, and promoting gender equality in various aspects of life. The program gathered participants from various DSSSs including the animators, coordinators and members of the federations.

The training commenced with an introduction by Rev Fr Richard Pais, Director Kross followed by interactive sessions conducted by Sr Nancy, the Chief Program Coordinator of WEP.

The main objectives of the program are to enhance awareness about gender related concepts and their significance, to promote a more inclusive and gender- sensitive environment and to equip participants with tools and strategies to address gender biases and stereotypes.

The first session began with an introduction and an icebreaker, the participants introduced themselves and shared their expectations from the training, followed by understanding gender- interactive discussions on the importance of respective diverse gender identities.

The second session focused on gender and workplace and gender-based violence, the participants were divided into small groups and discussions were made on how intersectionality plays out in various contexts. Participants set personal and collective goals to promote gender equality teams in their respective DSSSs.

The one-day gender training provided to be a valuable platform for fostering awareness and understanding of gender related issues. Participants left with a heightened sense of responsibility and commitment towards promoting gender equality in their respective DSSSs.