
People living with HIV/AIDS have become victims of social stigma and discrimination. In India, Karnataka state ranks FIRST along with two other neighboring states with more than 5,00,000 people infected with HIV/AIDS. Among the victims it is women and children who have become more vulnerable to various kinds of discriminations and inequalities. Besides medical care, they are in need of psycho-social care and feeling of acceptance by the larger society.

Improved health among PLHIVs:
More than 5,630 HIV/AIDS infected people, especially children have improved in physical and emotional psychological health due to nutrient supplement and counseling support provided.
Self confidence and self esteem boosted due to the community support received.
Sense of being loved and accepted by the community.

Family level:
3,326 families share more responsibilities towards the care and support of PLHIVs (People Living with HIV) without stigma and discrimination.
1,322 PLHIVs have joined SHGs (Self Help Groups) which give them platform to interact with larger society.
Rehabilitation of 392 orphans and vulnerable has been done by institutions.

Community level:
Responsibility of care and support for all infected and affected has been taken up by the community like VHSC and SHGs, leading to the feeling of belonging of PLHIVs.
631 Committed & proactive volunteers have come forward to render their services for the wellbeing of PLHIVs.
Integration of PLHIVs by the community has reduced stigma and discrimination.
More than 3,326 PLHIVs have enrolled themselves in District networks.
2,832 STI/RTI cases have been identified by ORWs, PLHIVs, Villages health committee members, Peer educators and referred to ICTCT for testing.
239 positive speakers among PLHIVs have emerged. They have gained self confidence to speak in public – which helps other PLHIVs to come forward to share their concerns in the meeting.

Networking and collaboration:
12 level Positive People’s Networks have been strengthened by enrolling all the identified PLHIVs and thus providing a platform to voice their opinion and demands.
All the partner organisations have good collaboration with other like minded NGOs, CBOs, VHSC, SHGs women forums and Government Departments.