
Regional Accompaniment Programme

KROSS with the support of Caritas India is working towards mainstreaming marginalized community through integration of:

01. Empowering Animation
02. Dialogue
03. Volunteerism
04. Sharing Communities
based on the core values of the Catholic Social Teachings [CSTs]

01. Promotion of Local Leaders
02. Promotion of Laudato Si
03. Promotion of Volunteers
04. Resource Mobilization
05. Project Details:

06. Goal: By the end of September 2021, 17 capacitated facilitators facilitated 600 leaders from People Led Organizations, are aware of Key Strategic Pillars and promote the Approaches

07. Specific Objectives:

08. Objective 01: By the end of September 2021, 600 leaders from People Led Organizations are identified and capacitated on Key Strategic Pillars and Approaches

09. Objective 02: By the end of September 2021, dialogue with nature is put into practice through Green environment in Karnataka

10. Objective 03: By the end of September 2021, identified Karnataka Mercy Warriors imbibe values of Key Strategic Pillars and Approaches and reach out in time of need

11. Objective 04: By the end of September 2021, resources are mobilized through network, lobby and campaigns